Give HOPE for Christmas!
Your partnership has been and continues to be vital as God uses this ministry every single day to encourage people and strengthen them in their faith. This holiday season, your giving can doeven MORE through a powerful partnership with Jeremy Dodder and Thrivent Bluewater. When you give a year end gift to this media ministry to keep your favorite music and content strong, he will also be sending a relief kit to a hurricane victim through our trusted friends at Convoy of Hope! The relief kit contains basic need supplies for those whose lives have been turned upside down, especially those in the rural areas of the Carolinas where flooding caused massive damage to homes, roads and utilities. So you make your gift, and it has twice the impact!
I absolutely LOVE that we get to partner together for this amazing cause this year. We have so much to be grateful for and so much to look forward to as we head into another year. Thank you for being a part of the family!

Thanks again for being a part of the FAMILY!
HopeFM & Thrive Radio (Wonderful News Radio) is a 501c3 Non-Profit Organization.
Your giving may have tax advantages.